英國第四頻道於12月3日播出《中國人來了》(Channel 4 Dispatches: The Chinese are coming),記者安東尼‧巴奈特(Anthony Barnett)描述中國經濟實力增強,不只購買了英國的希斯洛機場股份、倫敦的自來水公司股份以及早餐麥片公司,更是努力發揮其政治影響力:他調查今年六月達賴喇嘛來英訪問期間,中國外交官員如何從蘇格蘭高地一路到倫敦西敏國會,對英國的地方議會以及國會議員、部會首長施加壓力、強力干涉,迫使他們不得與達賴喇嘛會面,英國官員一一在壓力下屈服的故事。
今年一月份,曼徹斯特市議會的副議長(Sue Murphy)寫信給中國駐曼總領事潘云東,告訴他達賴喇嘛6月16-18日有來曼市的訪問行程,中國官員於是在1月20日與曼市議會開會,告訴他們,市議會應該禁止達賴喇嘛前來曼市,並且警告市議會的官員若達賴喇嘛見面的話,曼市與其中國姐妹市武漢的關係,就會因為「一個滿嘴謊言、心懷邪惡的人」毀於一旦。結果,曼市雖然沒有辦法禁止達賴喇嘛前來,市議會卻無人與達賴喇嘛會面。
6月15日達賴喇嘛有一個行程,就是要拜訪里茲(Leeds),並針對商業道德發表演講。而邀請他的主辦單位是約克夏國際商業會議(Yorkshire International Business Convention),此會每年舉辦,不但試圖提高里茲市的知名度,也對於里茲的經濟發展有莫大助益。此次會議居然能夠請到達賴喇嘛本人,主辦人麥克‧弗思(Mike Firth)覺得很是光榮。然而,中國領事館的某官員先拜訪了里茲市議會,要求市議會令主辦單位取消達賴喇嘛的演講,市議會雖然拒絕這個請求,卻必須撤回里茲市議會在此大會中的協辦身份,因為中國的奧運代表團打算在里茲市進行訓練,此商機的總值超過二十萬英鎊。麥克‧弗思說:「里茲議會本該為此會身先士卒,現在連推廣都不願意,我只覺得太荒謬了。」里茲市議會對於本節目的詢問,回答如下:約克夏國際商業會議乃是私人主辦,我們不宜發表評論。而中國領事館評語如下:「中國堅決反對達賴喇嘛的分裂活動,不管他用什麼樣的身份、以什麼樣的籍口、在世界的哪一個地方。中國反對任何國家的任何官員以任何方式跟達賴喇嘛接觸。」
除了地方議會以外,中國以商逼政的策略是否也會對英國最高層政治人物奏效?答案似乎是Yes。六月底,英國下議院議長(John Bercow)打算邀請達賴喇嘛與各黨議員進行私人餐會,受邀請的其中兩位議員,也是當時擔任行政職務的保守黨議員,提姆‧勞頓(Tim Loughton)以及諾曼‧貝克(Norman Baker)。結果,在餐會舉行之前二十四小時,這兩位議員的辦公室接到了英國外交部的多次電話,唐寧街十號的官員當時陪首相在墨西哥訪問,也不辭勞苦地特別打電話關注此事。彷彿這些關切電話都講得不夠清楚,最後來施壓的是外交部部長傑若米‧布朗(Jeremy Browne),他說假如他們倆參加的話,可能會有嚴重的後果。結果,勞頓與貝克只好決定不參加。
現任的英國首相卡梅隆在野的時候,曾經很積極地表示他對於達賴喇嘛還有圖伯特的支持,保守黨的網站上還有2008年5月21日的錄影,顯示卡梅隆與威廉‧梅格(William Hague)與達賴喇嘛見面,以及兩人盛讚達賴喇嘛的親切風格,並表達支持他與中國的對話。今年5月14日,卡梅隆與副首相尼克‧克雷格(Nick Clegg)也確實在聖彼得教堂舉行的鄧普頓獎(Templeton Prize)頒贈儀式之後與他見面。然而,北京對此事表示震怒,表示「英國政府傷害了中國人民的感情,呼籲英國認真回應中國嚴正的要求,停止支持圖伯特獨立的分裂活動,採取具體步驟消除此事的可怕衝擊,以維繫中英關係。」
David Cameron MP
Prime Minister
10 Downing Street
We feel we have to write to you to express our concern and annoyance with regard to the inflexible instruction given last week to ministers, prohibiting any contact whatsoever with the Dalai Lama during his visit to the UK.
As you may know, both of us were expected to attend a small private lunch with His Holiness at the end of June, hosted by the Speaker. We had been invited due to our longstanding contacts with Tibetans and position with the Tibet Society. Both of us have been to Dharamsala and met His Holiness there, Norman is honorary President of the Tibet Society, a ceremonial post that was notified upon appointment to ministerial office and allowed to stand, and Tim is a member of the Tibet Society Council.
We have seen the note from Claire Tynte-Irvine at the FCO regarding the current engagement with China and are of course aware of the wider agenda and the sensitivities which exist. We do not believe, however, that justifies in any way a blanket prohibition on a minister meeting a religious leader in private in a non-ministerial capacity, and we think this crossed a line. Our absence from this small private lunch is deeply embarrassing for us in terms of our longstanding Tibetan connections, and will have been registered by the Speaker, to whom we were obliged to offer late apologies, and doubtless will not have passed unnoticed by others. The note is tantamount to saying that British Foreign policy on Tibet is whatever China wants it to be. It completely ignores the fact that His Holiness is a spiritual leader only, and no longer holds a political position, and is frankly just plain wrong.
There was tremendous pressure put upon each of us at the 'eleventh hour' not to attend, including a phone call from a Foreign Office minister, in a way that seems to have been out of all proportion to the issue at hand, and despite earlier informal indications that there was no problem with us attending. And while the policy on Tibet and towards China is clearly a matter for the Foreign Office and not for us, we are bound to record that our close observation of this matter over many years has led us to conclude that, where Tibet is concerned, the Chinese government does not respond positively to any conciliatory gesture by the British government, but instead interprets this as a sign of weakness and so makes further demands for concessions.
This whole affair has in our view been handled very poorly. Our presence at a small private lunch would have been in private and as such gone unnoticed. Having to withdraw from it at the last moment risked becoming an altogether higher profile affair, though of course we have done everything to keep it out of public attention and I hope this proves successful.
We would be grateful for your thoughts.
Yours sincerely
Norman Baker MP
Tim Loughton MP
Cc: Nick Clegg MP, Deputy Prime Minister
William Hague MP, Foreign Secretary
6月15日達賴喇嘛有一個行程,就是要拜訪里茲(Leeds),並針對商業道德發表演講。而邀請他的主辦單位是約克夏國際商業會議(Yorkshire International Business Convention),此會每年舉辦,不但試圖提高里茲市的知名度,也對於里茲的經濟發展有莫大助益。此次會議居然能夠請到達賴喇嘛本人,主辦人麥克‧弗思(Mike Firth)覺得很是光榮。然而,中國領事館的某官員先拜訪了里茲市議會,要求市議會令主辦單位取消達賴喇嘛的演講,市議會雖然拒絕這個請求,卻必須撤回里茲市議會在此大會中的協辦身份,因為中國的奧運代表團打算在里茲市進行訓練,此商機的總值超過二十萬英鎊。麥克‧弗思說:「里茲議會本該為此會身先士卒,現在連推廣都不願意,我只覺得太荒謬了。」里茲市議會對於本節目的詢問,回答如下:約克夏國際商業會議乃是私人主辦,我們不宜發表評論。而中國領事館評語如下:「中國堅決反對達賴喇嘛的分裂活動,不管他用什麼樣的身份、以什麼樣的籍口、在世界的哪一個地方。中國反對任何國家的任何官員以任何方式跟達賴喇嘛接觸。」
除了地方議會以外,中國以商逼政的策略是否也會對英國最高層政治人物奏效?答案似乎是Yes。六月底,英國下議院議長(John Bercow)打算邀請達賴喇嘛與各黨議員進行私人餐會,受邀請的其中兩位議員,也是當時擔任行政職務的保守黨議員,提姆‧勞頓(Tim Loughton)以及諾曼‧貝克(Norman Baker)。結果,在餐會舉行之前二十四小時,這兩位議員的辦公室接到了英國外交部的多次電話,唐寧街十號的官員當時陪首相在墨西哥訪問,也不辭勞苦地特別打電話關注此事。彷彿這些關切電話都講得不夠清楚,最後來施壓的是外交部部長傑若米‧布朗(Jeremy Browne),他說假如他們倆參加的話,可能會有嚴重的後果。結果,勞頓與貝克只好決定不參加。
現任的英國首相卡梅隆在野的時候,曾經很積極地表示他對於達賴喇嘛還有圖伯特的支持,保守黨的網站上還有2008年5月21日的錄影,顯示卡梅隆與威廉‧梅格(William Hague)與達賴喇嘛見面,以及兩人盛讚達賴喇嘛的親切風格,並表達支持他與中國的對話。今年5月14日,卡梅隆與副首相尼克‧克雷格(Nick Clegg)也確實在聖彼得教堂舉行的鄧普頓獎(Templeton Prize)頒贈儀式之後與他見面。然而,北京對此事表示震怒,表示「英國政府傷害了中國人民的感情,呼籲英國認真回應中國嚴正的要求,停止支持圖伯特獨立的分裂活動,採取具體步驟消除此事的可怕衝擊,以維繫中英關係。」
David Cameron MP
Prime Minister
10 Downing Street
We feel we have to write to you to express our concern and annoyance with regard to the inflexible instruction given last week to ministers, prohibiting any contact whatsoever with the Dalai Lama during his visit to the UK.
As you may know, both of us were expected to attend a small private lunch with His Holiness at the end of June, hosted by the Speaker. We had been invited due to our longstanding contacts with Tibetans and position with the Tibet Society. Both of us have been to Dharamsala and met His Holiness there, Norman is honorary President of the Tibet Society, a ceremonial post that was notified upon appointment to ministerial office and allowed to stand, and Tim is a member of the Tibet Society Council.
We have seen the note from Claire Tynte-Irvine at the FCO regarding the current engagement with China and are of course aware of the wider agenda and the sensitivities which exist. We do not believe, however, that justifies in any way a blanket prohibition on a minister meeting a religious leader in private in a non-ministerial capacity, and we think this crossed a line. Our absence from this small private lunch is deeply embarrassing for us in terms of our longstanding Tibetan connections, and will have been registered by the Speaker, to whom we were obliged to offer late apologies, and doubtless will not have passed unnoticed by others. The note is tantamount to saying that British Foreign policy on Tibet is whatever China wants it to be. It completely ignores the fact that His Holiness is a spiritual leader only, and no longer holds a political position, and is frankly just plain wrong.
There was tremendous pressure put upon each of us at the 'eleventh hour' not to attend, including a phone call from a Foreign Office minister, in a way that seems to have been out of all proportion to the issue at hand, and despite earlier informal indications that there was no problem with us attending. And while the policy on Tibet and towards China is clearly a matter for the Foreign Office and not for us, we are bound to record that our close observation of this matter over many years has led us to conclude that, where Tibet is concerned, the Chinese government does not respond positively to any conciliatory gesture by the British government, but instead interprets this as a sign of weakness and so makes further demands for concessions.
This whole affair has in our view been handled very poorly. Our presence at a small private lunch would have been in private and as such gone unnoticed. Having to withdraw from it at the last moment risked becoming an altogether higher profile affair, though of course we have done everything to keep it out of public attention and I hope this proves successful.
We would be grateful for your thoughts.
Yours sincerely
Norman Baker MP
Tim Loughton MP
Cc: Nick Clegg MP, Deputy Prime Minister
William Hague MP, Foreign Secretary
Posted by rosaceae at 02:57│Comments(0)